We're Moving...

We got some Big Time, Big Time, Big Time News....

We're Moving! Best Part? It's only 40 yards away... 

While our time renting has been wonderful, as we were blessed with the best landlord (shout out Andy), our business has been growing and we capitalized on the building next door. 
As some of you know, in addition to Budz Family CBD, we have a co-packing division named N.E.W Co-Packing. In this business, we have been making cannabis products for other brands. As of recent, this business has picked up some steam outside of the CBD space and well, we needed a larger area to grow! 
This move is allowing us to expand from a workspace of about 4,500 sq feet to 12,000 sq feet. All of us will have offices. We will have an *official* conference room. The list goes on and on with the upgrades we are going to have in our new space.
Don't worry, we will still have Budz Family CBD. You're just going to see some new stuff coming from us that is outside of the CBD arena too. Stay Tuned!


  • It is really something to see you growing in you business that FAST. It makes me proud to even think that I KNOW those people.
    Someday I would like to sit down and talk with someone of you to find out what this CANIBUS business is all about. I always thought
    that it was nothing else but Drugs of Some Kind ? I am not into drugs of any kind and am too old to start now.

    Casey Ladowski
  • Congratulations!!! So happy for your whole family – your hard work is certainly paying off!!!

    Julie P

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